0.27.27 Release Notes

0.27.27 Release Notes

  • Implemented the Security Groups page. (System Settings > Security Groups)

  • Implemented the ability to create and edit Security Groups.

  • Implemented the Password Policies page. (System Settings > Password Policies)

  • Implemented the ability to create or edit Password Policies.

  • Implemented the ability to adjust permissions for users (on the "..." menu on the user grid).

  • Implemented the ability to open "Current Location" links within the Inventory Manager.

  • Implemented the change password prompt.

  • Implemented the "Change Password" prompt when Require Password Change = YES.

  • A fix for an issue that was not honoring locale for date fields inventory models and units.

  • A fix for an issues that was not resetting the deposit amount when entering a 0 percentage.

  • A fix for an issue that was not honoring the "Can Manage Inventory Groups" permission when denied.

  • A fix for an issues that was not allowing any users to edit element's document number.

  • A fix for an issue that was allowing copied lines to paste within a subtotal.

  • A fix for an issue that was not auto sorting correctly when adding inventory models that were apart of an additional group.

  • A fix for an issue that was showing a virtual item's scan as complete but child line scans were not complete.

  • A fix for an issue that caused the subtotal to show as incomplete when all items are scanned on the prep screen.