4.27.12 Flex4 App Release Notes

4.27.12 Flex4 App Release Notes

  • New App Icon (round edges, etc)

  • Instance Name is now in the title bar at the top (before it was hard to tell what instance you were on after login)

  • Embedded Reports, Cheat Sheets, and Backups now download

  • Reports download correctly now and don't hang on second try of same report, etc

  • New command line argument to automatically select an instance on startup

    • Windows Example: Flex4.exe -flex-instance=yourflexsitename

    • Mac Example: open Flex4.app --args --flex-instance=yourflexsitename

      • Since the app is saved to the Applications folder, you might need: open -n /Applications/Flex4.app --args --flex-instance=yourflexsitename

  • Windows: Flex4 app actually closes now vs staying as a lingering process

Update 12/04/2020 12:15pm EST

There was a bug on Mac 4.27.12 with the CMD + H and CMD + Q shortcuts applying to the Flex4 app while it was not in focus. This has been fixed with a new 4.27.14 build for Mac. If you experience this issue, please re-download the app from the Flex4 App Download page inside Flex5.